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Left: Immigration Containment Camps in the U.S. Photo by: Joe Raedle / Getty Images

Undocumented Immigration in the US
Limbic System and Occipital Lobe

Misc.  Jan 15, 2021 15:20 PST


Two years after Trump became the 45th President of the United States, the family separation policy was passed. This policy was formed to try to stop illegal immigration from Mexico to the US. The Obama administration had put down some containment rules, but the Trump administration took it a step further. 


Throughout the Mexico-US border, detention camps sprung up all over the place,  and a wall was being built. These child containment camps started because of the influx of undocumented immigrants from Mexico. The parents of the children broke the law by crossing the border, and they were prosecuted. The children, however, were not permitted to go with their parents, so they go to one of the many camps across the border.


These camps are in non-optimal conditions, and many of the people there are forced to use aluminum for insulation. Many of the children are under a year old, and some of them have been at the camps for more than half of their lives.


The family separation policy was officially established in April 2018 and was only just partly abandoned in June of the same year, and even then, the child separation was still going, just not as prominently. 


Now that Amy Coney Barrett is in the Senate as a conservative senator, tipping the scale from 5-4 to 6-3, will the law ever be revoked? Biden has said that he WILL revert the immigration policies made by Trump, but not right away. Biden’s domestic policy advisor said that Biden will not stop removing undocumented immigrants from the US, but will do it in a more civil way.

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